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Now that christmas have arrived with a new Zelda game (yay!), many of us are still in deep playing it, while others have already finished. Some, even replaying by now.


So, like a tradition, let's rank our personal experiences with the Zelda franchise. Please note that reviews shouldn't affect our personal opinions, so it is okay to not like BotW.


Let's start:


1. Ocarina of Time. Still the king to me. Well balanced, opem enough but a good story and sense of progression.


2. Skyward Sword. It feels like Metroid to me. Dense areas, backtracking, fighting Ghiramim 3 times. A lot of puzzles and was harder than WW and TP... (not like that was difficult...). Many of the ideas introduced in the game carried for BotW, like the parry, ancient high tech civilization, upgrading system, Godess Hylia introduction, etc.


3. Breath of the Wild. So far I like the difficulty and combat (yes, even weapom degration). World feels alive. The Great Plateau and the first dungeon remains as my most memorable experiences so far, but still in the middle of the game.


4. Twilight Princess. I liked Ordon Village. And the Wolf Link mechanic. The second half felt very Ocarina, while I loved the first one for being an unique experience.


5. Majora's Mask. Hard. Interesting. Sad. Great dungeon design and the best sidequests. Still today, the game is the most alive on the Zelda franchise.


6. The Wind Waker. The game has amazing music: Tower of the Gods, Hyrule Castle, The Great Sea, Dragon Roost Island. But it suffers from being easy. Even the Hero Mode is easy. The HD version looks very good.



Try to avoid spoilers for BotW, please.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile