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vivster said:
Kerotan said:

It definitely is because of that.  Its called a knock on effect. The game went viral thanks to it and the result is still being seen today.  


Many people who got it free on ps4 even double dipped on pc. 


And the core fanbase is split between pc/ps4. Massive active hardcore player base on the ps4. Not just pc. 

I wouldn't call it massive or hardcore. I barely see anyone from PS4 at my rank.

RL was hyped well before it was even known to be free. The first month just made it a bit easier. RL is popular not because it's popular but because of its addicting core gameplay. Word of mouth would've spread either way. That's why it is still selling well today. if it was just the hype from the few people who got it for free it would've dropped off long ago.

Word of mouth would never have spread to the level it did.  It's basically the same game they released last gen with a new name. Didn't work then and wouldn't have worked now.  


I barely see any pc players either.  Doesn't mean there isn't any. Ever think the ps4 players at the top have set it so they don't play pc players? I'm not sure the reason why I see a ton more ps4 players though,  probably just the matchmaking.