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OK, I don't want to really harp on this for too long, but the criticisms in the OP are pretty weak. There is a legitimate counter to everyone of them. There are genuine criticisms about the game though.

1. Loading screens.

There's a lot to say about this one. I understand why there are loading screens, and they aren't even very long, but it's still annoying. This especially becomes an issue because there are some places where loading screens definitely did not need to be there, specifically with the shrines. I don't understand why all of the shrines couldn't be put under ground in the overworld. Ironically, it's probably too will leave the workload loading the overworld itself. There are game development trickster could've been done to negate this, however. It just feels like every 10 steps you take you have to suffer through a loading screen. My biggest grievance with the loading screens or not that they exist, however. It's that they are not well hidden.

In Metroid prime, loading screens were hidden by visuals that made attempts to keep you immersed in the experience of the game. It seems like an extreme failure of game design that Nintendo did not try to replicate that here. When you going down into a shrine, the loading screen should look like you're going down into a shrine, instead of looking like a stock loading screen. When you're teleporting, the loading screen should look like something is happening to link well he's teleported to keep you into the experience.

2. Voice acting

It's not very good, and there's not enough of it. My problem is really with the characters with accents. And I'm not sure about this, but they sound like they are faking the accents, and it's super obvious. This is one of those things where I wish Nintendo of Europe did the dub, because treehouse is pretty bad when it comes to voice casting and directing. Even so, it's not the end of the world, except that there's not nearly enough of it. I guess this is one of those situations where you have to choose where to allocate resources, but the cut scenes are very short, and there are not a lot of them. I wouldn't mind this if the rest of the dialogue that wasn't in the cut scenes was voice active as well, but that's not the case. That's a huge missed opportunity. Even with mediocre voice acting, it would've added to the game. Not using voice acting when they could clearly afford it just feels extremely cheap. Plain and simple.

3. Enemy diversity.

This is another one of those situations where trade-offs clearly had to be made, and perhaps it was for the best, but the diversity of enemies in this game is severely lacking when compared to other 3D Zelda games. It's just a shame, because enemies don't define these ecosystems like they did in prior Zelda games. They're really just reskins of each other.

4. Inventory.

Traversing the menus in this game is a mess. It's very clunky and not intuitive at all. I suspect that's a casualty of the menu being designed for use on the gamepad.

5. Memories.

Less of a criticism and more of a missed opportunity, but they really dropped the ball with how they did the memories. Instead of a 30 second cutscene telling us very little about what happened 100 years ago, they really should have been playable flashbacks. This really would have done well with Zelda's "two worlds" gimmick in a way that is interesting, and more importantly, it would have actually put the player in Link's shoes, giving the player those memories too instead of just watching from afar. It especially would have helped the player bond with the champions more, because they really don't get any real time dedicated to them.

Anyway, still my new favorite game of all time. Could have been better, though.