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Trump from the very beginning was the only republican candidate that supported the general idea of Obamacare. You can find proof in all his early debates. He only criticized the inefficiency and lack of competition that lead to extremely high costs and heavily overpriced medication.

The Republicans on the other hand were always extremely against any kind of mandatory healthcare insurance, if you put Romneycare aside. I hope they do not cripple Trumps ideas because the proposed version of Trumpcare could be even worse than Obamacare initially because of their influence.

But the final version will be a role model for the world, especially for other western countries, where medical costs could be cut in half by still providing a better, more affordable service using Trumps ideas.

There is zero reason that the exact same medication, produced in the same factory costs up to 1000x more in western countries compared to India or China. Therefore we need international competition and international buying for all kinds of medical services. And there is no reason that medical tech companies are allowed to charge the public services 100$ for 50 cent worth of hardware. The western medical pricing is insane, and Trump wants to change that!