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starcraft said:

1. Oh but it IS blackmail. Any reviewers that got an early copy of the game were made to sign a contract indicating they would not mention cutscene length or install times/size PRIOR to the game's release. Given sites and magazines receive traffic (and therefore revenue) based on the punctuality of their reports and reviews, Konami forced the gaming media to choose between its integrity and its profits.

2. My post was a satirical jab at the aforementioned blackmailing tactics adopted by Konami, it is relevant to any MGS4 review discussion. On the other hand, your first post in this thread was an unjustified, unsourced attack on two posters that had said and done nothing to you. So I ask you, whos contribution was more relevant?

P.S. It was established in a large thread (from which you apparently were absent) that there is significant sceptisism amongst the non-Sony fan (and indeed much of the Sony fan) population of this site that my so called fanboyism is an actual reality rather than social construction.

1. Find me a definition where what you described is called blackmail? Allowing people access to your products with absurd constraints is stupid, but it's in no way blackmail.

That's like saying Halo won't come out on the PS3 unless Sony pays us 500 million, is blackmail.

2. I responded to a post in this thread with complete relevance to that post. I agree it was off topic of the main post, but it had relevance to what I was replying to.

To the PS. I saw that thread, and realized anything I put in there would just turn it into a bitch sessions, so chose to take the more mature route. You have never admitted to ever doing a single thing wrong on this site, so pointing them out to you is nothing more than an exercise in futility. It will convince you of nothing, and start a debate about how it was appropriate dialog. (just like this has become).

Why would I want to continue a conversion with someone who takes nothing away from it, other then the person they are talking to is wrong? That's your stance every time. You probably feel every one of your bans were unjustified.

I have no interest in that. The mods seem to be doing a good job of things. I will just let the past and future bans speak for themselves.