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Intrinsic said:
Hmmm, I bet it sells more on consoles. Which begs the question, a dev comes out and declares their game is made for a particular audience but yet the game sells better to another audience?

Thats a contradiction if ever I have seen one. If they really wanna be all through and through PC? they should take the star citizen route or shut up.

You sound like you've not only made a decision that it's definitely going to sell a ton more on consoles, but also asking why don't the devs screw over the other platform instead. I have to ask why even?.

How is it a cotnradiction onto itself when 1) the game hasn't even been released and 2) you're basing it on your own opinion and ignoring long tail sales in favor of the short burst. 


Star Citizen route and shut up?, did that hit a nerve or something, because afaik consoles have their own exclusives and boast about it all the time. I honestly think it's fair for devs to assure PC players that they will be getting a good experience tailored to them.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"