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selnor said:
Ssyn said:
starcraft said:
This is sounding better and better. I'd love to have a solid, regularly updated single player experience in the Halo world. The refocussing of the series towards multiplayer to the detriment of single player in Halo 2 was a mistake.

Fortunately Halo 3 had an excellent single-player experience, if a little short.

For these to have good quality; they would need a massively sized dev team to put new campaign missions out regularly(though it is Microsoft's re-headed child). It sounds very nice but I don't think they will stay true to that promise.


The idea of more story in Halo sounds very cool, the complete lack of any creativty(story wise) in the entire seris botherd me tons.


This is a joke right? I am absolutely sure that people saying this have either never played it or had there eyes and ears closed the entire game. I'm a big sci fi fan and films included Halo Trilogy(plus the books) was one of my fave sci fi stories to date. Not in this thread but couple of weeks back someone posted that the flood was tagged on. Clearly that person never played it as the whole point of the rings exsistence was because of the flood. Fair enough some people don't like sci fi. But as a sci fi story is awesome. And is NOTHING like Starcraft(people who mention this also obviously havent played Halo).


 It boiled down to savin earth from the covenant and didn't focus enough on much else; halo 3 could of expanded what halo 2 started with the ark and the other rings soooooo much more and... they barley did. I've read the Halo books also and they seemed to have potinal; Like stated in this thread trying to copy MGS style would be a massive mistake but adding maybe twice the amount of cutscenes from the other halos (not to much if you think about it) and make the cutscenes have more meaning then the game would really have a chance of a great story.


I know not many will agree but this is why I didn't like Halo story wise(only storywise):

- Turning it into save da earth theme in halo 3 was a mistake

- Very minsucle if any real character development(then again it is an FPS, but that is why I'm skeptical about it having a more involved story)

- The idea of the Rings seemed abit stupid, a weapon to kill everything so the flood can't eat? If you know anything about how hard it will be to put people in to space like you see in Halo(of coruse its fiction) then finding a weapon that would easily kill flood(without taking away all life in the galaxy) can't be that difficult for them.