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colonelstubbs said:
starcraft said:
colonelstubbs said:
Mr Mafoo does have a point....

In what sense?

Do you agree with Konami's actions?

Because THEY, and NOT MGS4, are what the post he quoted is clearly alluding to.


At the end of the day, Konami have spent millions upon millions of dollars to create a game, they are releasing it, its theirs, and if they dont want certain elements of their game being revealed in reviews, so what? They made the game, the reviewers should be grateful they get to play these games before the paying public, and if konami want them to withhold certain details, then they should do it!

It would be like me making a short film, and telling people not to spoil the ending, which would be within my right as i made it.

EVERY developer tells reviewers not to spoil the ending.  Thats accepted and reasonable.  Konami have asked told  reviewers not to comment on Kojima's eccentric obsession with cutscenes, and install times, a technical issue.

A better comparison would be if Bioware told reviewers it couldn't write that there were framerate issues in the 360 version of Mass Effect.  


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS