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starcraft said:
colonelstubbs said:
Mr Mafoo does have a point....

In what sense? 

Do you agree with Konami's actions?

Because THEY, and NOT MGS4, are what the post he quoted is clearly alluding to. 


I think there are two main problems with your post.

One is the use of blackmail. That's an ultra extreme (and inaccurate) view of what is happening. You can release a review under the same conditions as you always could. They just asked that particular information about the game not be discussed. This is done all the time. The difference here is the kind of information held back is unusual. I agree his actions are questionable. But "capitalist blackmail" is extreme.

Second, and the most important one, is why did you post it at all? It contributes nothing to the conversion, and was obviously a dig in a thread for MGS fans posted in the Sony forum, by a MS fanboy with the sole intent to incite anger and contempt. 

That's the part that follows your form, and got you banded in the past.