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Im still playing it, but its already an excellent game.But for me its no masterpiece.As i said, while its a great game, it misses things in my opinion.The stealth is kind of a joke, the human AI feels lacking, and I find that it was a big miss that they didnt implement a Diablo-like system with the equipment.(didnt need to be at that level, but they could have put the same type of equipment with different stats, so that you are always finding new and exciting stuff), and thats personal, but they could have pushed the RPG element a little further, as in everytime you leveled, yu also improved stats like in a regular RPG, like atack, defence or speed.

For me, this game is exactly what the score was a few days ago at metacritic, so a 8.8 for me.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.