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@Imperial: were you by chance blind then? I wouldn't want to go back to the day that EDGE gave Halo 3 a 10/10 and Metroid Prime 3 a 7/10 in the same issue... Man, the fanboy wars were going crazy!
Outside of that, I think Halo 3 effectively killed a great deal of videogame journalism, the game finally pushed the industry's press over the edge(haha), turning into a market which hands out buckets of point to games with huge campaign budgets, and making it so that every game under the 9/10 isn't considered AAA anymore, making it a bad game.
Hell, nowadays the most hyped games can't even get away with a 9/10, it HAS to be a 9,5/10 at the very least!

The industry's reviewing system will soon die, I think a day will soon comen that Gamespot or somebody gives out a 11/10 to a game, so the people will finally realise that something's wrong...