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shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, Cyberpunk should be an improvement over Witcher 3 since they're upgrading the engine, but not that big of an improvement. Witcher 3 got toned down for consoles, the pre-downgrade footage was running on SLI 780's and XB1 and PS4 just couldn't keep up with that. It probably won't be until Witcher 4 in 2020-2021 that we finally get pre-downgrade Witcher 3 graphics or better. By then XB4 and PS5 should be out, and we're probably going to be looking at 10 tflops or more for those, depending on exactly when they release. 

This is why I'm not really all that fond of looking at multiplat titles on PC as "beautiful", mostly because they are designed to look nearly the same as what the consoles can actually handle. The vast majority of the Candyland videos keep pointing out that the only improvements are slight LoD, texture, texture and AA gains, but nothing bigger than that.

I can't say I'm looking forward to next gen because it'll be the same scenario, where the game has to be strictly built for what the then current gen systems can handle and not what high end can actually output. if we went with what high end could output, then it'd be a night and day difference, but that would look bad for the likes of the big 3 if that were to happen. By the time enxt gen comes out, the specs will be behind what AMD and Nvidia come out with in a matter of months to 1-2 years, then we'll be stuck with the same cycle we're in currently.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"