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tombi123 said:
Onimusha12 said:
akuma587 said:
Or maybe this is just a Father's Day promotion which is intended to also spark Blu-Ray sales. Wal-Mart also is giving $100 off on any Blu-Ray player. The Wal-Mart gift card is also marked as for Blu-Rays in the ad, although it works on anything in the store. Best Buy is probably just doing this to stay competitive.

Man, actually look at the information rather than posting an unsupported claim about liquidation is hard sometimes.

1) Did I post an unsupported claim or did I post a theory? A bit overdefensive aren't we? Either way your Signiture speaks everything that needs be said on the slant of your input.

2) Most likely then this is just Sony trying to push Blu-Ray then as you suggested. The real question is, who's taking the loss on this deal? Sony or the distributors?

 1) As does your signature. 

2) Seeing as the $100 you get off of the PS3 has to be spent in store, the loss is a lot less then $100. Sony is probably taking the loss, but will more than make it up in the long run. 

1) a summation that bipartisonly illustrates the Wii's problems and a comment about Ubisoft which makes fun of the drama going on these forums? Well if you say so.

2) Can Sony keep affording losses like this?