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smbu2000 said:
TheBigFatJ said:
If this is running 585p or 576p, either way, it's not HD. HD is defined as 720p, 1080i, or 1080p. The game may output at 720p, but if it's not rendered at one of those three resolutions, it's not HD.

That said, it could still look fine.

So by your definition the PS3 version of GTAIV is NOT HD because the resolution is a bit lower than 720P (what was it 630P or 640P? I forgot) and the only 360 version of GTAIV is in HD because it is at 720P, even though the games look and play very similarly?

I'm not TheBigFatJ, but no, it's not HD. Upscaling an image doesn't make it HD, otherwise we could also say DVDs are HD since they can be upscaled. If you play your Wii on a HD LCD or Plasma, it's also being upscaled to a HD resolution, but it doesn't make your game HD.

We can argue about looks and gameplay all day, but the definition of HD is pretty strict and it only includes 720p or above as far as I know.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957