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Zelda has a great gameplay sandbox..... but I am not a fan of people thinking everything ought to be like that or that its better because it has certain things and others don't.

Lets take the wind gliding and sheild surfing thingy for instance..... its great and all as a gameplay mechanic. But not all open world games would benefit from that. Simply cause such a gameplay mechanic just wouldnt fit with the wold they are trying to portray.

Can you picture Alloy chopping down a tree with 2 swipes of here spear? Or climbing to the topof a hill and jumping off and magically gliding with a tarp shes holding over her head? Or stuff like that happening in the witcher..... stuff like that would just break the game's immersion.

Is it just me, or do nintndo fans have this way of thinking taht everything or mechanic in a nintendo game is the best thing ever?