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yushire said:
NJ5 said:

I'll reply to this one since yushire posted it first ;)

It's a Japanese game... Here's what most Japanese developers are probably thinking:

"Ummm, I want to make this new game... Shall I make it for the platform which has 6.12 million units sold in this country and which requires the smallest development cost, or for the one which has 2.11 million units sold and is damn expensive/hard to make games for? Hard decisions..."


AW COM'N! Dont harsh on third party developers atleast theyre trying, and with the Wii in Japan cannibalized 360 and PS3 what third parties have to lose?


You misunderstood me. Simply put, my point is that Japanese developers probably see the PS3/360 as dead consoles compared to the Wii. Furthermore, lower Wii development costs will make them develop more and more for the Wii, especially on games which appeal a lot to Japanese gamers.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957