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In Big Versus we tackle multiplatform releases that land on PC and console and weigh the pros and cons of the PC version against its console sibling. In each installment we compare games based on included content (such as single and multiplayer features), visuals and everything in between. While our mascot may show an admiration for PC gaming, we're all about telling you the truth in Big Versus.

This week in Big Versus we're tackling Codemasters' latest entry in the Race Driver series, GRID, which hits retail for the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 today. Shying away from its more realistic racers like other TOCA racing games and the recently released Dirt, Codemasters hopes to capture some of the underground scene with their latest arcade style racing title.

Which version of the beautifully crafted racer crosses the finish line first? Strap in, and shift those gears. This is Big Versus.

Race Driver: GRID
Developer: Codemasters | Release Date: June 3, 2008
$49.95 (PC) / $59.99 (Console)

Download the demo for Race Driver: GRID now!

In terms of retail content included in GRID, each platform offers similar experiences. All versions include the traditional racing career where players can select their own path, which has seen much of its inspiration come from Codemasters' previous racing title, Dirt.

Performance has been called into question for GRID on the Xbox 360 specifically. Suffering from a graphical lag that sporadically pauses the action (video), sometimes for up to one second, the Xbox 360 version has been described as broken by gamers throughout the official Codemasters messageboard. While the demo did not suffer the same issue, the retail version has been reported by many gamers throughout the community.

While the PC version has said to encounter similar slowdown on mid-range PCs (in the demo), this graphical slowdown has been explained as configuration problems with computer hardware and has not been directly attributed to issues with the game itself.

While the PS3 version was not available for testing, no reports of the same slowdown issue that occurs in the Xbox 360 version has been reported to players lucky enough to have their copy. Some quick fixes found on the messageboard include playing without the Xbox 360 HDD attached or clearing the system cache. But, some errors may still persist. Codemasters is working on the issue.

This in mind it appears that the PC and PS3 versions offer superior performance over the Xbox 360 version.

However, because the PS3 and PC offer similar performance and identical features, one must consider the cheaper price-point of the PC release.

Recap: Since all three versions include the same content the only question left is performance and price. The Xbox 360 version reportedly has widespread issues, so you're better off going for PC or the PS3 if that is an option. At a cheaper price-point and optimal performance the PC version inches out the PS3 due to its value proposition. Ignore the Xbox 360 version until a patch is made available.
Regardless of platform GRID is a gorgeous game. Those lucky enough to run the title on the highest settings (as seen in our screenshots) will notice the modeling is extremely detailed both in the vehicles and out. The PS3 and PC versions are comparable, and in most ways identical, but the Xbox 360 version is grittier and offers finer detail.

click links below to enlarge

While the Xbox 360 version offers more detail in smaller areas (eg. (3) digital monitor read-out numbers visable), its grittiness makes it appear muddy (eg. (1) interior designs are metallic in the PC and PS3 versions but have a brown hue in the Xbox 360 version.) This "grit brush" is something encountered throughout the Xbox 360 version of the game but does not subtract from the overall look of the game. The PS3 version offers more detail in the rear view mirror (eg. (2) displays a better visual on the action.)

Both the PC and PS3 version suffer from jagged edges (an anti-aliasing issue, often cited as an issue for PS3 ports) around the framing of vehicles inside and out, while the Xbox 360 version suffers less.

click links below to enlarge
Enlarge Above Image | Three Panel Full Comparison

Overall each platform is comparable and to the average gamer, they would be hardpressed to find any differences between the three versions

Recap: Each version has their shortcomings, albeit very minimal. While the Xbox 360 offers more subtle detail, some of the textures look muddy. The PC and PS3 version suffers from minimal "jaggies." Essentially, all small differences outweigh each other.
It wouldn't be fair to consider the PC version a better overall package for its presentation and performance and ignore the extra cost attributed to optimal controls for the PC version of GRID. By default the controls of the PC version of the game are handled by the keyboard, a less than ideal scheme for racing titles (unless you're TrackMania). The PC version of GRID does support various peripherals, including the Xbox 360 version, but this additional cost added to the game allows the console versions to win the battle--but not the war.

Keyboard controls 1 | 2 | 3 -- Xbox 360 Controller 1 | 2

Controlling GRID with the keyboard is clunky and difficult. Because the game offers a more arcade-style of racing mechanic the keyboard can't cut it for quick reaction times. Using any number of peripherals will correct the issue, but this additional cost is what sets the PC version apart. The same way we would grade a PC shooter higher-points for cross platform titles due to the precise mouse aiming, racing games will ordinarily lose the battle of control to console titles.

The PC version is obviously not a lost cause for control, but competitive players may want to invest in a suitable controller for their PC--if they don't already own one.

Recap: The same way we selected PC as the victor in Presentation and Performance based on value, the console release of GRID wins gameplay due to the standard controllers by a hair.

The future is bright for all platforms, but the PC version of GRID has the added benefit of user generated mods for its release. Downloadable content is an option for Xbox 360 and PS3 players, but those are traditionally premium items (meaning you'd better get your wallet ready!)

All three versions include the same multiplayer options (up to 12 players online) which is balanced by the Xbox 360 match system and PC/PS3 server listing. While the server listing is the preferred solution for PC gamers, newer (and only light) gamers will find Microsoft's match system easier to find online opponents.

The PC and PS3 also benefit from free online access for the game, whereas the Xbox 360 requires a fee to connect games to Xbox Live. While the game is branded with the Games for Windows Live logo, the PC version does not include any specific Live features (including: achievements or cross platform play).

Recap: With nearly all options remaining the same across all platforms, the PC gets the nod for mods that will allow gamers to expand their experience with the game.

After taking into account all the differences, which all seem smaller and smaller with each passing second, we're going to say that the PC version of GRID is the version to put on your wishlist. However, the differences are so minimal in most cases that any version will do. If you're looking for an arcade racer that promises all the flash of Need for Speed without all the baditude, you should pick this up.

Recap: The Xbox 360 version is reportedly broken. The PS3 version doesn't allow mods. The PC version is not broken and does allow mods. However, all platforms offer a beautiful experience and the console offers a better (cheaper) control method. It may say PC on won this Big Versus, but you'll be happy with any copy of GRID. 


Poor PS3 Sales Means Smaller Losses

"Actually, because the number of units sold was not as high as we hoped, the loss was better than our original expectation," Quotes from Sony’s CFO Nobuyuki Oneda.