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Well I was completely invested in Horizon Zero Dawn until just before I went to pick up the Switch. I actually felt more compelled to continue playing Horizon instead of setting up the Switch, I just went to a midnight launch for.... I haven't touched Horizon since I started Zelda, played until 5am this morning, played a bunch more hours today already, will continue to play soon deep into the night again. So yes, it is that good :)

It's magic, it's fun, exploration is so rewarding in this game. There are lots of different ways you can tackle problems. No invisible barriers, you can climb anywhere as long as you have enough stamina, great autosave system, short loading times, very challenging depending on where you go.

We were playing Windwaker again before this came out. That was my favorite Zelda game, yet it feels so restrictive now. In BotW you're out and free to explore in just a few minutes! And by the time you get familiar with the first huge area, it turns out to only be a tiny piece of the now completely opened up map.

It's not perfect perfect. Music is held back too much, and the joy-cons aren't that great imo. Plus the controls are a bit confusing at first. Yet sooo much better than skyward sword ugh and even TP on the Wii.

Ofcourse it might turn out to not be very replay friendly. I can play through Windwaker again and have fun while I find openworld games usually too much to start a second playthrough.