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Soundwave said:
SegataSanshiro said:

With what games? It's not going to unless it shows something truly killer at E3. Not games I can get on PS4 or PC. Seriously with what?

Multiplat games. Hundreds of them. 

Truth is it's only gaming forums that exclusives are fetishized. Regular gamers just mainly want access to the major multiplats, that's 90% of their gaming diet. 

"Message board gamers" are like restaurant snobs in some ways, only eating certain kinds of foods, regular games don't really care about that shit, they just want a decent restaurant to sit in, maybe one that has some good nachos as a starter and a good steak. 

XBox One S has plenty of games. More good games than any reasonable human being with any semblance of social/work/school life would even have time to play through. 

This would be true, if people were actually buying those games on Xone. Hell Re7 pretty much just flopped on that system, so how can we really say multiplats are going to push it, when there not really being sold that much on it anyway?