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Intrinsic said:
JWeinCom said:

I'm really not going to get into a long discussion comparing the features, because I want to play some more Zelda.  Just answer this one very simple question.

Are the features identical?

If they're not (and they don't seem to be) then it's perfectly legitimate to like one and not the other.

Ok... resource gathering is very important in horizon. Everything coes down to crafted items. even when you buy things from vendors, they also require some item that you would have crafted in addition to an amount of the games currency.

Those markers you mention that pop up when you hack a tallneck in horizon;basically give you machine gathering locations. That is mostly it. They tell you where the machines are gathered. and the icons let syou know what machine type is there. and this only pertains to non combat or scout class machines. This is imporatnt cause it lets you know where the best hunting grounds are in that area or where the mountable machines in that area are. It also gives you the loactaion of the closest machine factory area that area. Thats it. It basically gives you very very relevant information to the game and helps you focus your plans if that is what you are trying to do.

So yes the features aren't identical.... but Horizon's isn't bad either. or at least nothing like what it was being compared to. I am almost certain that if horizons towers acted like those in zelda... they would have referred to them as useless pointless additions that serve for nothing more than jst revealing a portion of the map.

Ok.  The features are not the same.  So people reacted differently.  

What we basically have here is a case where people disagree with you.  You like a feature, and they didn't.  For some reason, you have used this to draw the conclusion that there is an implicit bias going on.  That is completely not justified.