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JWeinCom said:

I'm assuming that the map towers work similarly to Shadow of Mordor.

Shadow of Mordor I climb the map tower.  Once I do that, I see everything available to me.  I like bows, so I mark the bow mission on my map, and make a beeline for it.  I know everything available to me, and there's nothing to discover.

In Breath of the Wild, I climb the tower.  I activate it and... I know nothing.  I see the names of a few landmarks.  That's it.  I can now mark things on my map, or scan the horizon for interesting points, but I don't really know what will be there when I make it.  Opening the map doesn't tell me "oh if I want to do so and so, I should go right here."

I am talking about towers in zelda and horizn, horizon doesn't treat towers like shadow of modorr ro whatnot.

when you climb a tower in horizon, you get information that you would expect to find from a machine whose main purpose is information collection. You get the a portion of the map opened, you get the location of some mchines around the area (basically resource gathering and transport machines) but no information on scout or combat machnes and you get the location of the "machine factory" aka cauldrums in that area. That makes sense. its not suddenly openning up all quests and objectives in the map to you. Its giving you stuf that you would get from a machine like that.

Oh.... and its completely optional. You do not need to do them to progress the game in anyway.

The way you describe the towers isn't how Horizon implememts it. And that is exactly what has got me so curious. Cause as it stands, those of you that are at least citing reasons as to why they are diffeerent, are basically saying whats bad about horizons towers is that they give you some information and Zelda doesn't.