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Turkish said:

So Far Cry comparisons are ok with Horizon, but in Zeruda they aren't even worth mentioning in reviews, interesting. I thought this game was the antithesis of modern open world games that people grew to hate.

Kinda disappointed even 98 Zeruda takes from Ubisoft.

John2290 said:
There are 5 total tall necks in horizon and each ones area is different enough, They are small enviromental puzzles that take strategic planning on higher difficulties. What are they like in Zelda? Is Zelda more ubisoft....ish?

Nice to know. Was afraid they were littered all over the place.

bananaking21 said:
Because reviewers don't hold Nintendo to the same standard that they hold most other games too.

Nostalgia kicks in and things get a free pass, just like the review towers example you gave. If a game has frame rate and performance issues reviewers usualy dock points, again they didn't with zelda. It's not exclusive to Nintendo, but it's present in most long running franchises. How on earth did skyrim score so high when it was literally a broken mess on PS3? Because it's the elder Scrolls, that's why

Have to say I agree with this. I feel like 5 years from now some will laugh at its score and the things they claimed, "best Zeruda", hell some don't shy away from calling it the best game eva, I don't think it's gonna be as influential as OoT.

just look at the most influential games last gen, and ask yourself. are Super mario galaxy 1/2 among them? looking at the state of the industry they certainly arent, yet they got 97 review scores.