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So....... so far the general consensus is that this happens because its a Zelda game?

there is something very unsettling about that to me.

And there are so many other things that I think if any game does it would be dissed.... like somethings that just don't make sense to me. Eg, we look at a game(s) that at least tries to use voice acting for every single NPC interaction and criticize it to hell and back (witcher, horizon, mass effect, skyrim...etc) yet no one seems to mention that outside major cutscenes no single NPC in zelda does more than grunt?

i really don't get it. I am not going to point out any more discrepancies so this doesn't become a review criticism thread, cause at least i can relate with voiceless NPCs being a stylized thing with zelda... but those towers though. And there are 15 of them!!!! to Horizons 5......