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SpokenTruth said:
DonaldJTrump said:
The concept of evolution was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing and Christianity non-competitive.

That's your best one yet.

Rogerioandrade said:

They´re not. It´s just that most people never really wanted to trace the parallels between them or to properly analyse the context of the history of the creation told by the Bible ( I say Bible because it´s the one I know )

People will always prefer to be divisive in this matter. It´s easier to be divisive than to discuss junction ideas.

But not me, to me religion and science are not opposite at all and both help us comprehend what mankind is made of.

It doesn't work that way.  You don't begin with a conclusion and then work backwards.  Religion tells you how to go to heavens, not how the heavens go.  Mixing the two dilutes the purpose and function of the two.  It's not that they are opposite or that they are enemies.   They are just different things and mixing them together benefits neither.  You get a science that is handcuffed and a religion masquerading as something it is not.

In that sense, then should people decide to live either by the social/cultural standards dictated by science and its theories or by the social/cultural  standards dictated by religion and its "myths" ?

I dont think so. I don´t have any problem living with both concepts and ideas and using one integrated to another. Neither any of my close christian, buddish or muslim friends and/or work partners.

This is exactly what I said before: people prefer to be divisive and to polarize science and religion instead of trying to understand that , although different in essence as human knowledge, both are necessary for mankind in their own way and people can live with both ideas, if they´re smart and tolerant enough for that.