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Malstrom's Billion Dollar Cat on June 3, 2008

There is a very good article on the overall sales and losses of the console companies at gameinvestments. Take a look.

People accuse me of being 'pro-Nintendo' when I am actually 'pro-profits'. What on earth could I learn from Xbox 360 or PS3 in the business sense? How to lose billions of dollars?

This is Malstrom's Billion Dollar Cat. Why is he worth so much, you ask? Well, his operating income is $0. This is billions of dollars more profit than Microsoft and Sony. In other words, this cat has generated billions of more dollars than Microsoft and Sony... and all it does is sit there and poop on the floor. Even a homeless man has raised more profit than the executives at the Microsoft Games Division.

"Sunk costs! Sunk costs!" they squeal.

Sunk costs are when you cannot get money back such as paying for a movie ticket. One can make back the money invested in launching a console. Hell, Nintendo does it all the time.

They just don't want to face the stunning revelation that Malstrom's cat has generated billions of more profit than they have.

Aurally examine my music!

Wear gaudy colours or avoid display. It's all the same.

Be warned, I will use walls of polysyllables and complex clauses as a defence against lucid argument.

Wand to read a creepy thread?