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Peh said:
Rogerioandrade said:
I wouldn´t use the word "believe" in this case......

I´d say that I do think that evolution happened someway but I´m not so sure that it happened exactly the way we are taught a school or how Darwin proposed. After all, it´s not called a "scientific theory" by chance or for no reason.

And I say that being a Christian that - and here I may use that word - believe that creationism and evolutionary thought are not opposite at all. In fact, they´re have a lot of things in common, much more than most people think

Which are?

One uses the scientific method and the other one faith.

They couldn't be even more far from each other.

They´re not. It´s just that most people never really wanted to trace the parallels between them or to properly analyse the context of the history of the creation told by the Bible ( I say Bible because it´s the one I know )

People will always prefer to be divisive in this matter. It´s easier to be divisive than to discuss junction ideas.

But not me, to me religion and science are not opposite at all and both help us comprehend what mankind is made of.