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in the USA I believe so.

there were a lot of people waiting at Best Buy when I went, and they seemed like an array of individuals. Obviously gamers, sure, but there are hundreds of millions of gamers in the world.

Lets put it this way: a girl I'm seeing who doesn't dig video games AT ALL heard me bring up the Switch for the first time the other day and was like "omg my friend was telling me about that" (her friend not being a gamer either).

I think it might be the effect of some of the trendy online advertising and video advertising Nintendo has done (cough, Jimmy Fallon is huge, the Super Bowl ad, Caseyneistat, etc.)

a random video asking the public though is possibly a terrible example though because there is always going to be a large subset of society who don't game and don't know ANY games or systems.

Its sort of like how the majority of people in the USA might know who is playing in the Superbowl come February, but I don't follow football and generally won't have a clue. You might randomly ask a bunch of people "who's playing in the Super Bowl" and get plenty of puzzeld responses but that doesn't necesarily really speak towards how viewership will end up.

the reality is plenty of somewhat casuals AND plenty of serious gamers will have come into contact with the Switch at this point from the ads though. bear in mind a system only needs to attract a very small fraction of overall people to be a big success