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LordTheNightKnight said:

greenmedic88 said:

Maybe for a Wii specific audience, but a pretty sizable percentage of Wii owners also own gaming PCs, PS3s or 360s.

So what? Kaz Harai thinks unique content will help sell PS3 versions of games, why wouldn't new control (assuming it's well done, because bad control ruins even gamepad games) and a lower price tag be a selling point for Wii owners with HD systems? The developers will still sell the game regardless.

You don't have to buy the games if you prefer the HD versions, but don't you pretend you know what most Wii+HD owners are going to buy over the other. We don't know, and developers are lazy for not seeing if that's a market worth tapping into. It may not be, but they are just assuming it isn't with no proof.

You might have to lose the game player's consumer perspective if you really want to validate your opinion here. Essentially you're claiming you have more sense than the developers making the very games you're playing. If you really feel that way, consider boycotting all developers or gaming in general. 

There aren't enough Wii ports of PC based games (with PS3/360 ports) because there isn't enough of a niche demographic within the Wii market to make it worth a publisher's effort unless there are only interested in making an inexpensive (will not be maximizing the hardware) port to pick up additional sales.  

It's a lose lose situation. Publisher releases a port. It sells modestly or poorly. Blame the dev team for not making the game better. Publisher releases better games that still only manage modest sales. Blame publisher for not marketing their games better. So are they supposed to sink their best resources into porting and marketing a PC game for the Wii simply to test the commercial viability of what will still be an inferior port? 

This is what I'm talking about thinking like a consumer, rather than a producer.  

Anyway, I still fail to see this obsession with championing Wii ports when the focus for developers should be on new IPs that specifically cater to the strengths of the platform from the ground up. Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Boom Blox, etc.

The ports play better on other platforms, just like web browsing works better on other platforms. I'm not about to start sending e-mails and net browsing on my Wii just because I can either. Feel free to argue that you'll always buy Wii ports over the original version, but just acknowledge that most people are not content with solely gaming on the Wii, regardless of how well the hardware is selling.