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RolStoppable said:
irstupid said:

Well I like the reward for digital for a few reasons.

1. Buying digital suppots dev more directly. They get larger cuts.

2. Digital should be cheaper, but since it isn't the higher reward makes it sort of, since you can use those rewards to get deals on other digital games.

3. Digital, the company knows how much you paid. Say you buy a game from the bargain bin for $5 and then input the code and get credit for a $60 game. Meanwhile another person buys that same game digitally for $5 on some sale and only gets thus credit for a $5 purchase.

1. If you really want to support devs, you are doing them more of a service by recommending their game to other people. Besides, it's not like anybody would have to feel guilty for buying physical games anyway.

2. Like I said in another post in this thread, the higher reward for going digital is basically offset by the increased amount of storage you'll have to pay for. Opting for physical copies doesn't make someone lose out on as much as it looks like at a first glance.

3. So far, My Nintendo has always awarded people in accordance with the base price of games, so in your example the reward system would treat a digital $5 purchase as a $60 game. You could occasionally buy $15 games on sale for $1 or $2 and earn 20 gold coins, roughly worth $2; in that sense, you could exploit Nintendo's system to essentially get a game for free because the coins you got in return were of equal or higher worth than what you paid for said game.

1. The point I used is teh same as someone saying buy new instead of used to support dev. Obviously if I can get 100 of my freidns to buy the game that is better than me doing anything, but that is apples to oranges. Talking just about oneself right now.

2. Well this just gets down to what one considers important. You can get an SD card for like $50 that will last plenty of time, and lets say you put 20 games on that card. That means for an extra $2.50 on top of each game price it becomes completely portable and not having to carry around a pack of 20 game carts on the go, or fid space for 20 game cases on the shelf. To some that is worth the price and some. To others, they want the card and the case and wouldnt' do digital even if onboard storage was 10000 terabytes.  But take Amazon prime for example. I'm a member. I get 20% off pre-ordered games. Yet I don't buy physical, so I"m missing out on that chance. So hearing my digital purchases gets me more rewards to purchase other digitals for say 20% off as well is nice.

3. Didn't know that. So the system can be abused both ways. But are you sure. I seem to recal when I entered in older games into mynintnedo back in the day I would not get as many points as a new game.