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greenmedic88 said:
So 3rd party developers should allocate larger budgets on advertising? I'm sorry, but how does that make the games any better?

I wrote "sell better", not "make better".

Are you more interested in seeing better games on the Wii, or better sales?

Both. Would you want good games on HD systems to to flop?

I've already opined that I don't feel graphics are a selling point for the Wii.

I thought the point was good games, not whether having the most processing power is a selling point for a system.

Maybe for a Wii specific audience, but a pretty sizable percentage of Wii owners also own gaming PCs, PS3s or 360s.

So what? Kaz Harai thinks unique content will help sell PS3 versions of games, why wouldn't new control (assuming it's well done, because bad control ruins even gamepad games) and a lower price tag be a selling point for Wii owners with HD systems? The developers will still sell the game regardless.

You don't have to buy the games if you prefer the HD versions, but don't you pretend you know what most Wii+HD owners are going to buy over the other. We don't know, and developers are lazy for not seeing if that's a market worth tapping into. It may not be, but they are just assuming it isn't with no proof.


A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs