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If those NA numbers for Wii Fit are accurate, this officially punches a hole in the "1st week sales were not for a full week theory."

Looks like Nintendo only shipped 1m units to NA for the initial release. It's not like they haven't been maintaining a track record of consistently under stocking hardware since Day 1.

I hope this doesn't mean NA will only see a trickle of units shipped for the foreseeable future. Even if the soft is supposed to have long legs, you just don't spend $30m (if that was the official figure) on a NA marketing campaign with only 1m units in retail channels. That's just irresponsible.

I'm also wondering if there is any correlation between this and the fact that NTDOY has dropped from $74 to just over $67 in the past two weeks. If so, Wii Fit has officially reduced the value of my portfolio. Lol!