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HappySqurriel said: I suspect the reason neither of these systems is as powerful as it could have been is because most third parties aviod risk and Nintendo would have difficulty convincing them to spend the money to produce an unconventional game ... At the same time, I think Nintendo realized that people would be willing to pay only so much money on a console which was untraditional ...
It's possible, but remember Nintendo lacks two big things Sony and Microsoft both have, money(I'm talking crazy money), and alterior motives. Sure sony don't care much about losing on ps3s when each one they sell is another blu-ray drive out there, another score in the battle against hd-dvd which in turn is another win for their blu-ray consortium, and blu-ray films there selling and the whole nine yards. Microsoft has software, online services, now they have ads on Live, rentable movies for their Media player, I'm sure their music service and the Zune will soon play a role. But the cool thing is is that Nintendo is so insanely focused as a company. You can talk games up all you want as immersive, realistic, art forms, but the bottom line is they have to be fun, you have to enjoy that time. That is the botom line. And more importantly for a company it all comes down to making money. Nintendo figured out how to make cheap profitable hardware, low budget games that are fun and sell well. They basically have their cake and are eating it too.
Ben Kenobbi88 said: Uh, well, Spore is definitely high up there...pretty sure it's in the top 10.
Let's go by sales, I'll state for the record that in my opinion in America it will NOT be in the top 20 best selling games for 2007. I'm including pc with console and handheld sales btw.