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Hynad said:
sc94597 said:

I downloaded the pirated version and tested it out after reading comments about the performance, so that I could plan to get a switch or not this weekend, rather than wait for the embargo to end. I was optimistic about the performance when playing on the plateau (drops to the low 20's when fighting multiple enemies, but otherwise consistent), but once you get to the rest of the world there are more weather effects, a ton more enemies, and the towns, stables, and dense forests can really affect the framerate for longer periods of time. Anything that is physics/AI intensive seems to drastically affect the framerate. Fortunately the towns are a very small part of the world, and otherwise it is playable , but only in the literal sense like OoT and MM were "playable".

Here's a video showing the normal frame-rate on the plateau (which is sparser than other portions of the game.) The towns are worse than this. There is a drop to 20fps at 1:12 and 1:15 which is normal when there are three or four enemies.

The day-one patch is required to run the leaked version, so there would have to be a different patch which fixes these problems. It definitely seems like the Wii U version was given low priority here.

How did you access the day one patch? Did Nintendo made it available already for anyone breaking the date? Or are you confusing this with the mandatory install that comes from the disc itself?

The game requires a base installation and a game update to play (~10 GB base game and ~3 GB update.) I misread your post as interpreting this as a day one patch, rather than wondering if there would be a day one patch.