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+ lots of verticality. World is densely packed with layers
+ crafting is not a hindrance yet serves a purpose
+ skill tree has skills you actually want/need
+ technical polish is insane
+ Graphics
+ combat is fun! It actually feels good to fight robot Dino's
+ Alloy feels great to control. Her leap dodge, sprint and general movement is great
+ menu is quick and easy to navigate with a lot of customize ability options for the HUD. I like how quests are sorted as well

Neutral: first thing I did was turn difficulty up to very hard. I do this with most games except Uncharted 4 and crushing. Seriously fuck that.

- side quests are not Witcher 3 tier (but no game is, that's the witchers best spot)
- child Alloy reminds me of a serial killer.

Not far enough in the game to make too many comments about the story or other quests yet. It's really unfortunate that the Division just had new DLC drop the same day too, cuz I prioritize that game over all else. It's my bae at 40 days of playtime since launch and the new update made everyone's build obsolete so I gotta get my grind in on that.