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God dammit. Why can't the explain how they achieved what they did with this cache? I want details, not claims.
What kind of  cache is it? Is it using existing DRAM on the GPU? A proper high-speed cache on the GPU itself? Is it powered by combustible kittens from outer space?


It's use however is going to be extremely limited.

Low-End GPU's already have more memory than they could ever possibly hope to use...
The mid-range could see some benefit, especially when manufacturers sell a version of a GPU with less memory to save on costs. (Like the Radeon RX 480.)

The High-End typically always has enough memory to make such a feature worthless anyway, with a few-edge case exceptions like Fury and Fury X, but that was because it was using such a new memory technology. (HBM/Stacked memory connected via an Interposer.)

If this "cache" takes up transistors and thus drives up costs and it's benefit is only in low-memory situations, then I would rather they didn't bother and just threw more GCN pipelines in.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--