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DMeisterJ said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
DMeisterJ said:
RolStoppable said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
It's official. djmeiester is a Wii basher. The number of signers doesn't prove Wii owners want every game. He's just twisting facts.

Not to sound rude, but everyone who visits this forum frequently already knew this since quite some time. Heck, once he even insisted that people aren't buying the Wii to play games, he said that they buy it just because it's the popular thing to do. Hehe.


Did I really say that?

Must have been during my bad days

But I'm not a Wii basher! I have nothing against Nintendo and the Wii, they've revolutionized the gaming industry as we know it.

But I have something against people who act like the Wii is the second-coming of christ, that every game needs to be on that system, and all other systems suck.

Okay, assuming you aren't a basher, why are you pretending that kind of attitude is exclusive to Wii fanboys, and worse, act as though it's a significant fraction of them? Don't you realize you just described extreme fanboyism, which applies to ANY SYSTEM?

As for the Wii owners asking for games, it's the fact that they are getting VERY FEW NO BIG BUDGET GAMES. What part of that don't you understand? If they had even an appreciable FRATCTION of what the HD systems had, they wouldn't be asking for so much, because they would be GETTING them.

Thank you.

You yourself said that they ask much for games to be on their system, because they're only getting a fraction of support from the HD systems (which combined have a userbase greater than the Wii, so there goes the marketshare excuse). So Wii owners ask for more games since more games are being announced for the PS360, which is basically what I said, "wii owners feel like every game should be on their system", but I should have amended it with "because HD consoles are getting more support".

But they aren't asking for every game. If every game is being asked for, that is a case of different people asking for a game. That's lumping a whole as one. That isn't how it works.

And I wrote "asking for so much", not "asking for everything", so I did not make a statement supporting your false generalization.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs