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Being on "wedding holiday" I don't have much time for VG now, but I had to respond to this:

1/ "11m" sales over a ... 2 year? period is pretty bad really. This just shows that the mass market is NOT adopting BluRay at all. Compare the figure to software sales for the PS3 - 11m is nothing. I would be looking for something closer to 100m-200m sales by now.

2/ BluRay still holds no emotional attachment for me at all. My wife is heading to China in a week, and will be picking up some new "hardware" at good prices - and we haven't even considered a BluRay player, or anything similar. It would have to be close to free/built-in to us to consider it. Instead the iPhone/iTouch is what excites her/me at the moment.

3/ 3 days ago, just before leaving Australia - I downloaded the final double ep of Lost and watched in on my TV. It was a 700mb download, for 80min of content. Played from a USB stick, on my now 2-year-old DVD player (with HDMI + 1080i upsampling). A friend from Singapore saw it running on the TV, and was blown away by the quality - he was convinced it was some "funky" new DVD format.

Nope, just 80min of DIVX compressed footage stored on the equiv of a CD (around 10% of a DVD space).

I'm sure it would look a LOT better running on BluRay - but it just doesn't matter. The quality of this alone was excellent, and more than adequate for watching. Law of diminishing returns in place...

(wonder if Ninty will ever consider an updated Wii, which has 1080i upsampling + better gfx hardware built-in - primarily to remove jaggies - I'd buy it!).

Gesta Non Verba

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