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RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ said:

Add up all the signatures from the five games that you've posted, and they don't even have half the number of signatures for RE5 for Wii petition.

The MH3 and Fatle Frame ones don't even have 200 between them.


Bionic Commando

MH3 + Fatal Frame + FFVII (PSP, PS2, PS3) < Bionic Commando < RE5

And the Final Fantasy ones are for wanting a sequel of a game, not a game on a platform, so they should be discounted, but even with them there, it still proves my point.

Wii owners feel like every game needs to be on their system.

Race Driver should be on the Wii. Is there a petition for it?


@ LordoftheKnight

Okay, I suppose you could resort to name-calling since your point was debased...

If number of signers didn't matter, why did you even post the petitions then?