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Magnific0 said:

Sony : We're on top of our game, we are one hell of a hardware designer/manufacturer, there's a big chance of success along a great risk with Blu-ray. We'll take the risk, if we can't do it now, then when?

Microsoft: Damn we're hurting, we just had to put down our first gaming console after just 4 years. We are not good hardware designers/manufacturers, let's play it safe and hope for the best by launching another console as soon as possible. Let's not take unnecessary risks, let's go with good 'ol cheap DVD.

 Years later:

Blu-ray wins format war and RRoD burns millions of X360s.

 Sony: Well, what do you know!

Microsoft: Well, what do you know!

You accuse me of bias and then you post this?

The media drive in the X360 has no relevance on the RROD issue.   Why are you even relating the two?


The rEVOLution is not being televised