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What is your theory for success, ie, getting your shit done.

Fluctuate your effort. 1Giving it your best shot is often touted as the recipe for success, but what if we fluctuate between efforts well-within our best and efforts beyond our best? The Japanese proverb of only eating till 80% full comes to mind. If I take that 80% rule and apply it to exercise, learning a new language, practicing music, socializing etc. then I will view myself as being successful once I hit my 80% mark. In doing so, even on my bad days I’ll still be able to hit the same mark I do on my good days, perhaps leading to a more meta-goal of consistency. The only caveat is that one can not grow when always reaching within limits so somedays we should push ourselves beyond our current best. Renounce the idealism of 100%.

Do you have any systems in place that you use for success? Original or taken from other role-models?