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I think it's a bit early to whether the Switch is the right approach or not. If it stumbles shortly after launch, it really won't have proven anything against the Scorpio.

No, the Scorpio's real problem isn't that it's focusing on being the most powerful console for about two, its problem is that all they are focusing on. That and MS has a different view of Xbox and, more importantly, its games. MS has basically been changing the focus from gaming on Xbox HW and switched it to focusing on games on Windows 10. It stripped the XBO of exclusives to do that and that's not going to help it. Especially as Sony continues to pump out games only available on PS4/Pro. Having really nothing else to push the system, Xbox is focusing on specs, which can't sell a system alone. It doesn't help that in about a year or so, we're going to be hearing about the PS5, which is going to leave the Scorpio in the dust in that category. Plus, have quality exclusives only found on it.