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Saeko said:

Just want to say something on this quote first :

"Nazis are threatening refugees and therefore our democracy."

In a democracy you ask the people if they want open the door to this full migrant, merkel opened door without asking anyone, so where the democracy they talk about ?

Now, its really bad, Attack on migrant, attack from migrant, every single one is bad, well attack on anybody is bad.

In a democracy, people vote for politicians so that these politicians do not have to ask for every single thing. The majority of people voted for Merkel and the politicians that support Merkel. That is democracy.

According to current polls Merkel's party is only slightly behind a party that is even more on the left and of course supporting the mass immigration. So apparently the majority of voters in Germany are fine with the immigrants.

Welcome to democracy. Where the majority of the people decides what happens. Real democracies anyway.

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