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Riachu said:
shio said:
Domo-Kun said:
IMHO JRPG>WRPG, and I've been playing RPG-style games since I was about 10.

WRPGs are, by design, superior to jRPGs. Japanese RPGs are limited by it's archaic linear design, and abuse of non-interactive scenes, and some other things.

That's why you most likely will never see a jRPG reach the brilliance of Planescape: Torment in terms of story, characters, depth, complexity, intimacy and writing.

They are both very different from each other so you shouldn't compare them. What is linear disign anyway?

 Linear design is when you play a RPG you go through the game in a Linear path. Where you play a game like FF6 where there isnt much to do except the main quest .

In contrast most WRPG's like oblivion which is really free and less restrictive compared to a  final fantasy

My Top 5 Games of All Time

1. FF7 4. SSX Tricky

2. FE7 5. RE4

3. MGS4