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I cannot stand those boss fights in JRPGs that were made to be unbeatable for storyline purposes without you even knowing it.  You come up to a boss that you are required to fight, and you pull every trick in the book to defeat him.  And after you get your ass handed to you expecting a humiliating "GAME OVER", the game continues with the boss running away to fight another day.  What the hell gives?  Yes, this is a bad thing.  Now, the good guys don't always win every battle.  But you just spent precious healing and revival items to save yourself from loosing the game only to discover that life goes on when you could have saved those items for a boss that can really end your game.  Sure, you can go back to a previous save, but what if that save were an hour or two ago?  Real time lost if you want to go back and save those items.  Even if you had saved right before that pre-planned loosing boss battle, you just spent 30 minutes of real time that you cannot get back fighting that boss.  Do they still make JRPGs like that these days?

I was reminded of this when playing Neptunia Rebirth 2, but to my relief, sort of the opposite happened.  The boss was kicking my ass.  She had those attacks that could wipe out my entire party of four in one swipe.  But when I finally won that battle, experience points were awarded, but the dialogue continued as if my characters were defeated.  So I saved the game, whet back to a previous save, and lost on purpose.  And, yes, the game continued with that same dialog.  So for once (at least for me) you can defeat a boss that wasn't meant to be beaten and be rewarded for it while the story continued as planned.