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Yerm said:

Well, after some consideration, I decided that it would probably be in my better interest to invest in a decent graphics card. i was really only playing PC games anyways so it really just made sense. the PC I already had was decent but the graphics were a bit lacking. So, about $150 and a week later, I ended up upgrading to a sub-par gaming rig.

Congrats on your purchase. That 1050Ti is probably the best card you could have bought without being severely limited by your CPU, and will serve you extremely well.

Have fun with it!

vivster said:
Yerm said:

Well, after some consideration, I decided that it would probably be in my better interest to invest in a decent graphics card. i was really only playing PC games anyways so it really just made sense. the PC I already had was decent but the graphics were a bit lacking. So, about $150 and a week later, I ended up upgrading to a sub-par gaming rig. 

Don't forget to come here every now and then.

We have daily PC news and game deals and stuff.

Yeah, "we"...

think-man said:
I didn't think people still called it the master race :P

I have also been wanting to build another computer but i move around too often to justify one atm. Maybe when i finally buy a house and settle down.

You no longer need to go big to have a powerful PC. There are plenty of cases the size of a shoe box that can fit extremely powerful machines.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.