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Profrektius said:

Just because many people are nostalgic about something good, doesn't mean that things people are nostalgic for are generally good. Why do you think the whole rose tinted glasses expression is always used in conjunction with nostalgia?

The rose tinted glasses thing just refers to someone's tendency to overlook the flaws in something they really like. It's used when talking about nostalgia of course, but people do this with contemporary things all the time. 

I do it myself. I was willing to overlook the fact that Uncharted 4 is a pretty generic and boring action game because it was so beautiful and the story was so good. I was willing to overlook Bloodborne's bad frame pacing and horrendous load times because the experience of playing Bloodborne was worth it.

If something stands the test of time, if people are still talking about it 30 years later, that's a point in its favor, not a point against it. The really bad stuff is generally remembered as really bad. The mediocore stuff tends to get forgotten completely.