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m0ney said:
Tell that to Commandos (1998) fans, or Thief (1998) fans, or Grim Fandango (1998) fans, or Xenogears (1998) fans.. see what I'm getting at. Have fun playing your third person action games and first person military shooters.

I'm a fan of Thief and Grim Fandango. Grim Fandango is in my top 10 best games even. It is however pretty bad by today's standards. I played it again on ps4, enjoyed it alot with the commentary yet have to admit it has aged pretty badly. The tank controls were already lacking in 1998 and the new camera based controls aren't any better. Some of the puzzles are so ludicrous I had to look them up again, forgotten you have to barf all over the floor and freeze it to disable the security system. The dialogue and voice work is still outstanding, the rest doesn't hold up.
Thief was a lot of fun, wouldn't want to play it again though. I can't get immersed in it anymore after VR.

Hal-life another awesome title. Played the Black Mesa remake for a bit, lost interest after an hour. It was revolutionary at the time, yet the formula has been improved upon over and over and over.

ICO, amazing game, controls aged badly. If you think TLG controls are bad, try ICO. Still love the game despite the controls.

Duke Nukem 3D, so much fun when it came out. Yet imagine going back to playing fps with the arrow keys!

Wolfenstein 3D, enjoyed it plenty on ps3, not as much as back then though. The controls are improved in the remake making it easier and faster, the maze like levels start to grate a lot sooner nowadays.

Baldur's gate II. Played it on my laptop in high-res. Enjoyed it again for 8 hours before I lost interest. Perhaps I don't have the patience anymore. Last RPG I played for 80 hours was Fallout 4. Baldur's gate might be the better game in my memory, yet I had a lot more fun playing Fallout 4.