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The biggest problem with reviews is the morons who things its a great way to compare games across time. A review is only meant to indicate whether something is good or not, the review system for games does this so there's no fundamental problem.

Unfortunately there are some very stupid people out there who wish to compare reviews between games, which any review system is largely unable to do. Unfortunately those same stupid people are largely unable to understand how changing expectations dramatically effect one's ability to compare games.

"I'm really interested in your input guys, on what changes you think can help raise the review industry out of the cockroach infested scum-hole it is today?"

Fixing the mentality of gamers perhaps? We don't see this problem with movies because movie fans are generally more educated about the medium and what reviews mean. They don't care about the immediate reaction to a movie, they care about the legacy. Gamers care almost nothing for the legacy and almost everything about the immediate reaction, hence why they care for meaningless reviews that only seek to indicate whether something is good or not and never attempt to rationally order games from best to worst.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall