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rocketpig said:
Excellent post. Two scores is interesting but I would have to think about how to properly implement it to avoid confusion. Without a doubt, there are serious problems with the current system.

Now, we'll cue the shameless self promotion. I've been through this argument several times but this editorial pretty much sums up my thoughts on the subject:

 I just read your editorial, it was a great read. Perhaps the best suggestion there is  "-For the Love of God, please refer to outside media whenever possible." If reviewers did this more often now way in hell would they be able to give a game such as GTA4 a perfect 10 without an overhwlming sense of shame and embarassment creeping up and and slapping the shit out of them for doing so. Of course perhaps ignorance is so pervasive in this industry that reviewers wouldn't recognize an oscar worthy storyline if it wacked them in the face with the 200 pound sledgehammer.

 But it seems to go the other way as well. Haze which has been the industry whipping boy these past two weeks, while definitely a bad game wasn't as godawful as some of the reviews would make you believe. The concept was great, the writing and dialog was horrendous and the gameplay and graphics were mediocre though far from a complete bastardization.

Yes, the two scores may be confusing for some. I think I may break my reviews into two segments. The longer, more in depth one would focus on an objective overview and technicalities with a conclusive score based on the merits I outline. Then I would have one paragraph of a completely subjective "review" based upon my own experiences and opinions of the game with the score reflecting my own personal enjoyment. People would be able to vcross reference the pro's and cons of both for comparison to see how they stand up based purely on one gamers enjoyment. Of course I would be open on whether I am a fan of the franchise or even the genre to begin with.