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LivingMetal said:

Fake news is not the information in itself, but moreso the presentation and intent of the information.  If I were to say:

"My daughter made a B on her test."

The info itself isn't fake (mind you hypothetical at this point), but what picture am I trying to paint here?  If she were making Cs and Ds, a B would be good news.  If she were an A student, the opposite would be true.  Even if the info was that she made an A could be taken two different ways.  From a parent's perspective and some of her classmates, that would be good.  But from other classmates, it could be jealousy.  And in most cases, there's a bigger picture to look at.  So in regards to "fake news," there's always a context which applies to any and every conversation.  And if that context is not allowed to be clarified, it's ignorance in best case scenario from the person not will to hear things out.

I like this. Using the link in the OP as an example, the context would be the cost of protection for many other presidents - be fair, they talked about Obama spending way less and that trump has a much bigger extended family in the White House. They could have continued for other presidents, but they gave the context you've referenced.

However, in addition to that is the relevance compared to other stories. Is this story important, sure. Very important? Determining the efficacy of a president? I think not. So, using your analogy, you could say Trump gets a C or D here...fine. But what class was it for? An elective like Gym or Art? Or a core subject like Math or History? This story is about an elective. Everything on the report card matters, but not all subjects are equal.

Btw I'm an artist, I fucking love music, video, visual, all that cool shit :)